Podcasting 2020 Projections

Author: Mehgaan Jones

Author: Mehgaan Jones

Podcasting has officially gone mainstream and will continue to explode into the new year! Check out our predictions for the new year and get ready to witness the future of the industry.

More Celebrities Joining In

The podcasting industry is growing fast and not just with bloggers and small businesses but with our favorite celebs such as TI, Amanda Seales, Jemelle Hill and Killer Mike. With podcasting becoming a more recognized and respected media platform, it is inevitable that we will be seeing more actors, singers, comedians and famous journalists jumping on the bandwagon and getting their ideas and knowledge out to the public via podcast.

All Ears on Podcasts

As podcasts become more visible to the masses, it is my belief that we will see more integrations with all of our devices. We will also witness podcasts running neck and neck with major media outlets.

I chatted with Animal Brown, co-host of OnDeckTV Podcast and Fresher Than Your Average Podcast who recently shared his thoughts on the future of podcasting. “I believe in 2020, you’ll see more podcasts become staples in media. When an artist, actor/actress or any celebrity is on their press run, the same way they have to stop at radio stations and news outlets they’ll HAVE to stop at podcasts as well. The fingerprint of podcasts will be more clear and present which is great for up and comers,” he explained.

Due to the growth of the podcast business, big companies are finally starting to pay attention to the industry. “Companies such as Spotify plans to spend $500 million on acquisitions this year, and already acquired content studio Gimlet, tech platform Anchor, and true crime network Parcast for a combined $400 million,” Music Business Worldwide stated.

Podcast listenership is growing steadily, and is not showing signs of slowing down. As a matter of fact, statistics show that it is clearly rising fast. The uptick of listeners means big opportunities and bucks for advertisement.

The Ad Business in Full Effect

By next year, podcast advertising spending is forecasted to surpass half a billion dollars. The growing advertising investments are believed to be growing due to the potential listener exposure presented by this medium. According to the Podcasting Audit Study by Bridge Ratings, advertisers are expected to shell out $500 million on podcast ads in 2020. The new year is looking to be an exciting and revolutionary time for podcasters.